Conference 18 Abstracts
Association for the Study of Dreams 
Dream Odyssey
UCSC Santa Cruz, California, USA


ASD 2001 Program submission


  1. Panel
  2. “Teaching Courses on Dreams”
  3. Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D. (chair), Bernard Welt, Ph.D., others to be named.  Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D. is a former President of ASD and author of several books on dreams, most recently Transforming Dreams (Wiley, 2000) and Visions of the Night (SUNY, 1999).  He teaches at Santa Clara University and the Graduate Theological Union, and he received his doctorate in Religion and Psychological Studies from the University of Chicago Divinity School.
  4. This panel explores the various ways of teaching courses on dreams.  The texts, class activities, dream sharing groups, and research activities involved in these courses are discussed, and the audience will be encouraged to contribute their own experiences and ideas regarding the quality and scope of dream education.
  5. Learning objectives: to help dream educators develop better courses, to stimulate thinking about what dream education involves, to foster greater interdisciplinary dialogue.  Questions: What are the essential elements of dream education? What are some good teaching techniques in dream education? How can different research traditions be presented in the classroom?
  6. Scheduling restraints: none
  7. Abstract: This panel will be conversational and interactive, with no specific “thesis” or “argument” beyond promoting the cause of dream education.  Thus, I don’t think it’s really possible to formulate an abstract.


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