Conference 18 Abstracts
Association for the Study of Dreams 
Dream Odyssey
UCSC Santa Cruz, California, USA


Title of Presentation:
Dreams of the Calling: Nightmares and Inspirational Dreams

Biography -David Gordon, Ph.D.

David Gordon, Ph.D., is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice and founder of The Dreamwork Institute in Norfolk, VA. He has co--hosted the public radio program DreamWorks and currently writes a monthly column on dreams for Visions Magazine in the Norfolk, VA. David is a board member of the C.G. Jung Society of Tidewater, Virginia and Membership Chair for the board of ASD.

Summary of Presentation

This workshop will focus on the phase of the Mythic Journey known as the Calling. Experiential work and didactic discussion will focus on three archetypal dream motifs associated with the Calling and how these dreams teach the values needed to respond to our psyche's call for renewal and awakening.

Learning Objectives

- Becoming familiar with the three archetypal dream motifs which are hallmarks of the Calling - dreams of Resistance, Ambivalence and Inspiration.

- Understanding the four types of Resistant dreams commonly labeled nightmares and the lessons they teach.

- Learning the general emotional challenges and spiritual lessons presented by Calling dreams and how they prepare us for our Journey.

Evaluation Questions
- Name three types of Calling dreams.
- Name three of the four most common nightmare themes.
- State why Calling dreams are beneficial on our Journey.

Workshop Requirements

This is a minimum two-hour workshop, though I would prefer 21/2 hours if possible. Circular seating is required.


Participants will be given examples of the three archetypal dream motifs associated with the Calling: Resistant, Ambivalent and Inspirational dreams. These dreams directly assist us in becoming aware of the values that must be learned to respond to our Calling. These values include the importance of attention, reflection and willing sacrifice. Honoring these values prepares us to persevere through the transformative fire of the Quest - to the reward of a more emotionally and spiritually meaningful life.

Special emphasis will be placed on the presence of the healing energy and solution always present in every Calling dream, but often obscured by the experience of anxiety, fear and loss. Those attending will leave the workshop less fearful of their nightmares and more aware of their Calling and its lessons in their journey.

Experiential group work will utilize a modified Taylor type approach with the goal of teaching participants how to identify and work with images of the Calling in their own dreams.

Additional Documentation

As noted above I am a Clinical Psychologist currently licensed to practice in Virginia. I have been offering dreamsharing groups and workshops for 15 years and utilize a Jungian conceptual framework. In my individual and group work with dreams, I emphasize a gentle and highly non-intrusive, respectful method. The integrity of the dream and dreamer is always maintained through rules regarding anonymity and the owning of personal projections i.e. "If this were my dream…."

In addition to didactic discussion, participants in this workshop will have the opportunity to share and work with a Calling dream. The dream will become the focus of a process typical of the Taylor approach to group dreamwork and in addition; I will interject explanatory and instructive comments relative to the theme of the workshop as we go along.


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