Conference 18 Abstracts
Association for the Study of Dreams 
Dream Odyssey
UCSC Santa Cruz, California, USA


You Can Fly! Launching Dream Flight from a Factual Ground

Linda Lane Magallón
San Jose, California  (Dream Flights)

Linda Lane Magallón, MBA, created the Fly-By-Night Club research group to study mutual, lucid, telepathic and flying dreams. Linda is the author of *Mutual Dreaming*, *Psychic-Creative Dreaming* and the "Dream Trek" column of *Electric Dreams*. She is a founding member of ASD and co-founder of the Bay Area Dreamworkers Group.

The flying dream is a truly "universal" symbol, with long history and widespread presence. The dream and the dreamer have been studied in the laboratory and out in the field. Flying dreamers are found to have some unique characteristics, including sociability and motivation to deliberately induce their dreams.

a) Learning Objectives:
1. To provide basic knowledge of the flying dream.
2. To describe the dreamer who flies.
3. To suggest tips to incubate flying dreams.
b) Evaluation Questions:
1. What experiments have been done with flying dreams?
2. Can flight be controlled or influenced?
3. What are the characteristics of flying dreamers?

Not applicable. A place is needed to display a large poster board containing images and written information. Preferred is a room with glass window-walls so that the heavy poster rests on the window ledge and faces outward to be seen by passing attendees, such as the bookstore location at the 1999 conference. Tape was required to affix the posters to the window so they wouldn't tip over.

Not Friday evening or Saturday. I am involved with the annual Dream Telepathy Experiment.


You Can Fly! Launching Dream Flight from a Factual Ground
© 2000 Linda Lane Magallón

Flying dreams are far more "universal" than car or computer dreams. Yes, they have been found world-wide (throughout Europe, Asia and Africa; among the Pacific Islanders and North American Indians; in Australia and South America). But they also have been traced back to earliest recorded history (Babylonian and Egyptian).

Suggested interpretations for flying dreams are metaphoric (sign of freedom), prophetic (omen of death), spiritual (journey to other realms) and cultural (for the Crow Indians: you are sick, but in Central Africa: you have good health). The causes of flying dreams are deemed to be psychological (expression of emotion), physiological (due to breathing), physical (movement of body) and psychic (precognitive of airplane trip). It's also common to link flying dreams with the out-of-body experience.

Lab research confirms that flying dreams are related to the vestibular system, which regulates body equilibrium. Thus, physical stimuli that affects balance can induce flying dreams (wearing a blood pressure cuff, rocking in a hammock, raising and lowering the bed). As measured by an electrooculogram, a lucid dream of flying took the same time as the dreamer's account related upon waking. Lucid dream subjects have more flying dreams than do nonlucid subjects. One reason: it's their favorite activity upon attaining lucidity.

Field research experimentation, case studies and statistical analysis focus on the dreamers themselves. Creative people with imaginative personalities and people who do public speaking are found to have more flying dreams than the general population. Not surprisingly, folks who fly planes and hang gliders have such dreams, although they tend to fly without their vehicles like Superman. And flying dreamers are likely to experience similar fantastic feats such as mutability, time travel and teleportation in their dreams.

Flying dreamers are sociable. They're quite likely to call someone on the phone to share their dreams. They tend to believe in and experience ESP. The majority of mutual dreamers have the ability to fly in their dreams.

More than 1/3rd the dreaming population reports having at least one flying dream. Those who have one, are very likely to have more. With lucid dreamers, the chance of having a flying dream doubles. Lucid dreams of flying score low on confused thinking and perhaps this is why some dreamers use flying as a cue to lucidity. The continued incubation of flying dreams can also induce lucid dreams.

Flying dreams have been shared by 3, 4 and 5 year olds. At the other end of the age spectrum, flying dreams are reported by the physically infirm elderly. Children and young people tend to have more flying dreams than the older population. But with deliberate dreaming, the numbers increase.

You can control or influence flight using the tools of incubation and lucidity. Intentional incubation helps to resolve nightmares and promotes a positive dream experience, overall. One technique is to create a phrase (such as "Tonight I fly") and hold it vividly in your mind as you fall asleep.  Content Analysis of Sleep Laboratory Collected Lucid and Nonlucid Dreams," Lucidity, 10 (1and2), 1991.
o Gachenbach, Jayne and Jane Bosveld. Control Your Dreams. New York: Harper and Row, 1989.
o Garfield, Patricia. Creative Dreaming. New York: Ballantine Books, 1974.
o Green, Celia E. Lucid Dreams. Oxford, England: Institute of Psychophysical Research, 1968.
o Holloway, Gillian. lifetreks - Flying Page. 1999. Analysis." Paper presented at 1988 ASD Conference, Santa Cruz, CA.
o Magallón, Linda Lane and Barbara Shor. "Shared Dreaming: Joining Together in Dreamtime," in Dreamtime and Dreamwork, edited by Stanley Krippner. Los Angeles, CA: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1990.
o Ullman, Montague, Stanley Krippner and Alan Vaughan. Dream Telepathy, 2nd Edition. Jefferson,NC: McFarland & Co., 1989.
o Van de Castle, Robert L. Our Dreaming Mind. New York: Ballantine Books, 1994.
o Vogelsong, Jay A., "Lucid Dreamer Survey Results," LuciDream Journal, Vol. 8.



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