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The Experience of Working Alchemically with SOUND in Dream Images 

Sven Doehner, PhD, MFA, is a psychotherapist in Mexico City. Trained in Jungian Depth Psychology, he has worked for many years with native Mexican healers and guided dreamwork groups in several countries around the world. An innovator in working alchemically with dreams, he blends contemporary depth psychotherapy with ancestral native healing traditions. 


Dream images and their telling can bring forth unexpected sounds, often dissonant to what we expect or are even conscious of, expressing the deepest sense, or intention, of the soul. This group dream-work proposal involves listening for, and becoming sensitive to, the sounds that accompany a dream - either within the images themselves, or those that appear as we tell it – by hearing them, repeating them, making them differently and experiencing them, we can allow them to guide us into different levels and processes of transformation.

 Working with sound is alchemical in that it nurtures transformation by giving body to emotions and giving expression - and form - to the most unconscious aspects of our physical and emotional selves . . . just as it can dissolve or expand that which is fixed, stuck, contracted . . . and thereby restore in the individual who emits the sound the pulsation (the expansion and contraction) that is synonymous with life itself. Sound-work generates new ways of vibrating within our selves and resonating with the world around us.

More than something that can be thought about and supposedly understood, sound needs to be MADE in order for it to be experienced, heard, listened to - and allowed to affect, guide and transform us. An important task will be to free ourselves from our often long held prejudices concerning the need to be “in tune”, or in harmony - a true “opus contra natura”. As a practice in Alchemical Psychology, which favors experiential learning, sound is participatory and provides a medium for unconscious elements to take form (coagulate) - and then to dissolve us in deeply transformative and lasting ways.

Workshop participants will discover how working alchemically with the sounds that come with the images in our dreams (and lives) can lead to a shift in the imprint that we bring to difficult or conflicting moments, creating a new register and reference point for responding to similar situations as they continue to appear in our lives. We will discover how a subtle awareness can be awakened in a person that shifts his or her energy and sense of themselves - and affects their way of perceiving, reacting, participating and responding to difficult moments in their being.

Suggestions will be made as to how we can continue to relate to the images in our dreams (and lives) with a sensitivity to sound, as well as an awareness of how this particular alchemical work with sound and images can nurture our being and awaken in the individual who practices it more presence, embodiment, congruence, coherence and freedom of expression in his or her daily life.

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