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Tips, Tools, & Techniques for Dream Group Leaders 

Gary Goodwin has taught at the local Jung Society for nearly ten years. He has been a dream group leader for six years, and has recently formed a center that provides a home for teachers of the “inner arts” (journaling, art for reflection, dream work, active imagination, and other related topics).  

Rita Dwyer, Vienna, VA is a former research chemist, co-author of papers and patents in the aerospace field, IASD Founding Life Member, Past President (1992-‘93), Executive Officer (1993-‘99). Rita is also a founder of the Metro DC Dream Community, a writer, lecturer, workshop/retreat leader and certified pastoral counselor. 

Tjitske Wijngaard, MA, is a psychologist and hypnotherapist in private practice in the Netherlands, specializing in working with dreams. She talks and writes on dreams and dreamwork, and conducts dream workshops and classes. She is a Board member of IASD.

Layne Dalfen, founder of The Dream Interpretation Center in Montreal, and Board member of IASD, is a writer, lecturer and regular guest on radio programs in the U. S. & Canada. She provides tools to decode & understand why we have certain dreams on a particular night, and how that knowledge can enrich our lives. 


Although all panelists will participate in a robust discussion of this important topic, each will also present material from their own studies and experiences. The abstracts of each presentation are included below:

Summary of Rita Dwyer Presentation: In 1983 I founded and facilitated a local (Metro Washington DC) dream study group which has continued monthly, never interrupted until a summer break in 2005. It is the longest running dream group in the USA, open to the public, with no fees nor any obligations other than confidentiality and respect for all dreamers who come to share. How does this work?

Summary of Gary Goodwin Presentation: My early days as a dream group leader were frequently filled with anxiety about my fear of failing people or failing to produce the effect I had seen other dream group leaders deliver. I finally undertook a process to understand where my anxiety was coming from, what other dream group leaders did about, and what I could learn from other presenters/leaders.

Summary of Tjitske Wijngaard: This presentation will look at the advantages of using a variety of techniques to facilitate dreamwork. Different categories of techniques will be explored and the presenter will share ways in which to devise your own techniques or adapt existing ones.

Summary of Layne Dalfen: There are a host of different techniques and tools that group leaders use in a group setting. I have discovered that implementing some of those approaches “as if” in a group setting but used in a one-to-one experience can work very well. I plan to share some of my favorites, the order in which I like to choose them and why.

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