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Dream Imagery as Healing Energy: Techniques from the IASD Cancer Project 

Tallulah Lyons is the author of Dream Prayers, Dreamwork as a Spiritual Path. She facilitates dreamwork and teaches mind/body techniques at The Wellness Community in Atlanta, GA. She and Wendy Pannier are implementing a second-year grant to IASD from the Lloyd Symington Foundation to expand their work in cancer support communities across the country.  

Wendy Pannier has conducted workshops and dream groups with cancer patients for the past 10 years. She is currently President of IASD. She and Tallulah Lyons are implementing a second-year grant to IASD from the Lloyd Symington Foundation to expand their work in cancer support communities across the country.  


One can be healed on many levels, regardless of the physical diagnosis, and dreams offer such healing potential. Current studies are showing that cancer patients who work with their dreams on a regular basis report an enhanced quality of life, including a sense of emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Under grants from the Lloyd Symington Foundation and H. M. Bitner Charitable Trust in 2005, Wendy Pannier and Tallulah Lyons developed materials and formats, and implemented a dream program for those facing cancer. This year, under second-year grants, five additional IASD members are learning the methodology and expanding the work in different areas of the country. Next year, IASD will apply for a larger grant for further expansion of this work. One of the goals of the project is to raise awareness of the healing power of dreams and nightmares and to establish dream work as a viable complementary/integrative healing modality.

Recent research demonstrates that there are complex interrelationships among behavioral, neural, endocrine and immune processes. Studies affirm the effectiveness and demonstrate the physiological changes brought about by visualization techniques. Generic guided imagery visualization tapes by people such as Belleruth Naparstek are covered by major health care providers or funded by pharmaceutical firms. 

What is unique about the work of this IASD Cancer Project is that it uses recognized and proven modalities of support groups and visualization techniques and takes them to the next level by personalizing them with the individual’s own dream imagery. When dream images are used in guided imagery exercises, they are more personal, more on target, and therefore more effective than those that might be suggested in commercial scripts and tapes. We emphasize that when dream work is done in a deeply relaxed, meditative state, we create the conditions for maximum functioning of the body’s innate healing system.

Work with a cancer patient’s dream imagery falls into two primary categories: facilitating the “evolution” of disturbing dream experiences (e.g., those from nightmares) and working to integrate the evolved healing dream imagery. The workshop will show participants how to do both.

Based on the principle that nightmares bring to consciousness issues that are of critical importance for survival, we have theorized that transformed nightmare imagery correlates with transformed emotions that are of critical importance for health and wholeness. Our work is showing that imagery evolved from nightmares can be used effectively with visualization techniques aimed at pain reduction, treatment and recovery. As documented by Patricia Garfield, PhD, as one goes through a healing process, the dream imagery that evolves is experienced as more positive. Positive healing imagery can then be enhanced and integrated through the use of meditative visualization techniques which we will demonstrate and have participants use. Participants will have the opportunity to experience two meditative imagery exercises that are taught as part of the IASD Cancer Project. They are applicable to all types of healing, not just cancer. Our hope is that more IASD members will be inspired to become a part of the project as it expands.

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