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Dreams and Bipolar Disorder 

Marco Zanasi, MD, is a medical doctor, neurologist, psychiatrist and Jungian analyst. He is Research Professor at the Psychiatric Clinic of Tor Vergata University, Rome. For many years he has been studying oneiric activity in normal and pathological minds. He has organized congresses on Analytical Psychology, Group Analysis and Neurophysiology. 

Manlio Caporali, MD, specialized in Neurology and Psychiatry, and was Assistant Professor at La Sapienza University, Rome, Department of Neurology. Since 1988 he has been an Assistant Professor at Tor Vergata Univerity, Rome. The author of 145 scientific papers and two books, he now works in the fields of Group and Dream Textual Analysis. 

Barbara Centini, MD, is a trainee in Psychiatry. 

Alberto Siracusano, MD, is a psychiatrist and Full Professor of Psychiatry at Tor Vergata University, Rome. 


This work aims to prove that textual analysis techniques can be used in studying oneiric material. These techniques have been applied to bipolar subjects’ dreams. Moving from the Jungian idea of the dream as symbolic matter, authors came to think of the dream as a form of text, and analysable as such. Beside validating this analytical criterion, this work is aimed to research significant aspects that could be used together with other diagnostic criteria. To achieve these goals, a group of bipolar inpatients have been selected accordingly to DSM IV TR. Their dream reports have been analyzed in and compared with those of a control group. The analysis takes into account such aspects as the sequence of the report, the emotional features, the persona system, number of words used, the presence of lemmata belonging to certain semantic fields. Preliminary findings show specific modifications of the above features that are still under evaluation.

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