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Welcome to theA S D X I I I O n l i n e A r t W o r k sIntroduction
All works in the gallery are copyrighted © by the artists
All requests for use and reproduction may be sent to the ASD office at asdreams@aol.com
ASD ART 1996
We call them dreams, that magic theater in which we find ourselves every night amidst strange and marvelous landscapes. A mysterious world where time hangs on a tree limb and the Creative Mind is the Queen. Images inspired by dreams have been a form of communication since the beginning of time:
from the Paleolithic cave painting[s] of Lascaux, France
to Australian aboriginal Churinga maps of the Dreamtime
to the mandalas of the California Chumash Indians,
the Greek God of sleep, Hypnos and god of dreams, Morpheus,
to Jacob's Dream.Healing temples of Asklepius in Rome and Greece,
Rise of human consciousness in prophetic dreams,
Nightmare visitations of incubus and succubus in Fuseli,
William Blake and Shakespeare,
Hypnogagic images and lucidity of Marquis d'hervey de saint-Denis,
Rise of Surrealism, Pay attention to Dreams
Images of Earnst, Varo, Carrington
to the deep spaces of Matta, Mullican, Anderson and Onslow Ford. . .The way of the dreams is the way of Waking Up.
Waking up to our true nature
to the infinite depth of our Creative Mind.
Dreams come in the language of images, and it is of great importance to pay attention to the art of our mind. Art inspired by dreams can reveal personal myth and also the transpersonal aspects of the psyche. Dream inspired art often begins with a dream, however in the act of creation one enters into the Creative Mind where both worlds of dreaming and waking meet. In this lucid state of being, creation becomes a message from the deep source of knowledge where the heart of the artist meets the vision of the dreamer.
Fariba Bogzaran ASD Chair of the Arts 1996
The arts have been an integral part of the Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD) for the past thirteen years. Every year the art is selected by the ASD art committee which is organized by the ASD Art Co-chairs Fariba Bogzaran of San Francisco and Joanne Rochon of New York. This years jury included Fariba Bogzaran, Faculty member, Department of Arts and Consciousness Studies, John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, California. Betsy Davids, faculty member at the College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, California and Richard Russo author and co-chair of the 1996 ASD program. The committee review over 450 slides submitted by artists whose main inspiration for their creation is dreams. There are 44 artists who will present their work on-site at the conference and close to 60 works of art will be shown. The arts will include paintings, sculptures, masks, photographs, collages and mix media.
Fariba Bogzaran ASD Chair of the Arts 1996
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Page design, Richard Wilkerson rcwilk@dreamgate.com