The following collection of works are included in theAssociation for the Study of Dreams Conference XIV Art Exhibition, in Asheville,North Carolina June 17- 21, 1997
All works in the gallery are copyrighted © by the artiststhemselves.
All requests for use and reproduction may be sent to JoanneRochon .
The arts have been an integral part of the Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD) for the past fourteen years. Every year the exhibition is selected by the ASD art committee whichis organized by the ASD Art Co-chairs Fariba Bogzaran of San Francisco and Joanne Rochon of New York City. The committee reviewed over 200 slides submitted by artists whose main inspiration for their creation is dreams.There are 29 artists who will present their work and 50 works of art willbe shown. The works will include paintings, sculptures, photographs, collages, books and mixed media. We hope you enjoy this sampling!
Links to other Dream Inspired Art Galleries