Betsy Davids

“Unfoldings” (artist’s book, 3” x 3” x 3”; 2004)
“Unfoldings” (alternate view, partially open) “Unfoldings” (alternate view, partially open)

Betsy Davids was among the 70s pioneers of artists’ books as a medium for contemporary art. She is a longtime teacher of book arts and writing at California College of the Arts.

Artist Statement

“Unfoldings” I traveled to Denmark in June 2004 not only for IASD Copenhagen but also for a first visit to ancestral sites. The sequential openings of this unfolding cube embody that experience of connections and disconnections. At its center is a text from the visit’s most significant dream, of a Danish man mysteriously folded in half and cut in two, and of me trying to match the pieces of him in my hands. I understood the dream as an image of emigration and diaspora. Two faces of the cube picture the birthplace of my emigrant great-great grandfather, once as photographed in the 70s by an earlier family pilgrim and once as photographed by me in 2004, when I found one of the two traditional farm buildings intact and the other quite recently demolished, leaving only a single wall with rose-flowered wallpaper. The wall can be seen on another face of the cube, and one cube opening reveals a detail of its window. Other faces show an aerial view of Denmark from my arriving flight and a falling male figure cut in stone, from a Copenhagen monument. In the cube structure, every image is cut and folded, everything falls into pieces and comes back together, disappears and reappears.

2005 IASD Dream Web Art

22nd Annual Conference for the International Association for the Study of Dreams
June 24 - June 28, 2005
Berkeley, California

- 2005 -
IASD Homepage