Tine Metz for "The Place for Dreams"
The PsiberDreaming Collage puts together images of dreams that have been dreamed during the conference and contributed by the dreamers.
Technic: Computer graphic, photoshop
Beverly d'Urso - Bar, drawing 'What about my rockstar dream', boy with kite, dreambed, flying
Bobbie Ann Pimm - Card, Omar
Dolores Nurss - Five houses, green and white hoses
Ed Kellogg - Philosopher's stone
Esther Manning - Jellyfish
Ghazaal Bozorgmehr- Starfish, dolphins
Janet Garret - Watch
Joan Harthan - Dancer, sunset
Jodine Grundy - Lion
Joy Fatooh - Fishes
Laura Atkins - Mushroom, violin bridge
Laurel Clark - Apple and orange scale
Mary Pat Lynch - Woman, library
Maureen Boyd Bio - Northern lights, abstract blue
Nicoline Douwes Isema - Banjo, 'The silence'
Tine Metz - Green hill and house, entrance hall
Thank you everybody !
Copyright 2011: All work contained herein is protected by copyright. Neither words nor images may be used, copied, transmitted or reproduced in whole or in part in any form nor may they or any part thereof be stored in a retrieval system of any nature without written permission of the artist.