PsiberDreaming Art Gallery 2011  PsiberDreaming Art Gallery 2011

Jon Kolkin – Four Images

Dreamscape – About the Series

It is my feeling that most people’s interpretation of their environment is based on preconceived perception of reality. This understanding of one’s surroundings is built on previous experiences and the confines of our 3 dimensional world and 5 senses. But what if there are other dimensions and other senses? And what might be the effect on our attitudes toward other people and our universe if we were to acknowledge their existence and take full advantage of their presence?

My art is a vehicle for exploring these questions thereby challenging myself and others to better appreciate that each of us interprets our surroundings in our own unique way. By providing an environment conducive to discussion on this topic, I am attempting to encourage dialogue, understanding and mutual respect between people of opposing points of view.

The Dreamscape project is intended to help facilitate such a dialogue. It explores my hypothesis that there are more than 3 dimensions of space. Scientists specializing in quantum physics support this theory. However, from a more personal perspective, I am intrigued by this concept because of the breathtaking and inspirational experiences I sometimes have in my dreams.

When sleeping I sometimes visualize Dreamscapes in vivid, rich colors, often situated in a lush and sensual environment. The surface of objects possesses incredible texture and depth. I am able to glide through these landscapes, surveying this world from unique macro and micro vantage points.

There are additional complexities to my dreams that I find both perplexing and fascinating. I typically experience scenes that, if one were to follow conventional wisdom, should not exist in the world "as we know it." As an example, I may visualize a celestial planet embedded in the side of a mountain. However, even more intriguing and perplexing are visions of unique, intricately designed objects unlike anything I have seen or read about. Occasionally, a Frenchwoman will speak rapidly to me in her native tongue, even though in the "real world" I have only a rudimentary knowledge of French. I hypothesize that these experiences are not the result of random thought but instead a glimpse into a less understood compartment of time and space.

It is my belief that humankind is nowhere near the limits of its perceptual evolution. However, as scientists, artists, writers and others delve more deeply into these disciplines, we have the opportunity to more effectively develop our senses and more fully explore these new dimensions.

From Within

I am flying through the air, seeing objects up close from a unique vantage point.

Hidden Recesses


Intimate Connection

Each species possesses unique senses. As an example, birds, represented here by feathers, use electromagnetic fields to help in navigation. Here a parent & child communicate with each other in their own unique way.

The Will to Bend

A feather must possess rigidity for a bird to fly while maintaining flexibility for maximum efficiency. In a similar way, the human mind should be built on a strong foundation yet flexible in order to achieve real growth