Lindsay Vanhove – Five Images
30 Days of Dreaming
Mixed media on canvas, March 2011
This is the very first work of a Dream project I'm working on. I have been journaling my dreams for years now and find it is sometimes very difficult to put in words, what images or feelings are trying to say. This painting is created by journaling dreams 30 days in a row, without taking any break. I woke up, wrote down the dream and then created an image out of the dream, most of the time literally what I have seen. It would be a long story to say what each image is about, but feel free to ask any questions about it at the art topic! I want to say a little more about the first and last dream on the painting. The first dream was about a gate to the Otherworld. The last dream ended with a circle of friends. After joining the Conference at Rolduc, I realized some of the dreams indeed were precognitive. I have finally found my dreamfriends.
Mixed media art journal, June 2011
I saw this image in a dream and decided to create it in real life. I have no idea what it means; sometimes I just randomly dream about art journal pages. This is the first of many art journal dreams.
Mixed media art journal page, June 2011
I have a lucid dream in which I try to visit a friend but cannot find him. I feel there is a world around me I cannot see; everything looks different. Buildings start to grow and invisible walls are trying to stop me from going further. Finally I realize the walls are too strong and there is, for now, no way to fight them. While I'm still flying, I let go of any struggle and let myself fall without any fear. In peace, I wake up again.
Mixed media art journal page, July 2011
In this dream I see a heart upside down; its name is Crystal. There is also a text included, not really like written words–I ''see'' them with another sense. It says: There is always a reason why you feel bad about something; there is always a reason why you feel sad.
To Be Found
Mixed media art journal page, August 2011
Dream August 12 & 14. In the first dream, I was about to meet a good friend when suddenly an image of an art journal page appeared, in different kind of brown squares. In the second dream, I meet my friend and his cat. The cat hides under a blanket, but he can find her anyway.
Copyright 2011: All work contained herein is protected by copyright. Neither words nor images may be used, copied, transmitted or reproduced in whole or in part in any form nor may they or any part thereof be stored in a retrieval system of any nature without written permission of the artist.