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Association for the Study of Dreams
 2001 Conference 18 Abstracts
Dream Odyssey - July 10- 15, 2001
UCSC Santa Cruz, CA

Abstracts* for ASD Conference 2001
Dream Odyssey
Association for the Study of Dreams

Deirdre Barrett, Ph.D., - The Committee of Sleep Creates a Language-or Two!

Deirdre Barrett, Ph.D., - Using Hypnosis to Work with Your Dreams.

Deirdre Barrett, Ph.D.,- Post-traumatic Nightmares in Kuwait Following the Iraqi Invasion .

Mark Blagrove,Ph.D., Katja Valli,Ph.D. Cand., David Kahn,Ph.D., Milton Kramer,Ph.D., Antonio Zadra, Ph.D., -  The Causes And Functions Of Nightmares, Dreams And REM Sleep. 

Mark Blagrove, PhD, Jenny Clark, and Bethan Rees, - Boundariness and Happiness Correlates of Dream Telling and Listening.

Mark Blagrove, PhD, Laura Farmer, and Elvira Williams, - Psychopathology and the distinction between nightmare frequency and nightmare distress.

Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D., Bernard Welt, Ph.D., - Teaching Courses on Dreams.

Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D.,  - Dreams and the 2000 Presidential Election.

Jean Campbell, - DreamWork/BodyWork.

Tom Crockett, Sven Doehner,  Stan Krippner,  Brant Secunda, - Shamanic Dreaming: How Shamans Use Dreams and Dream-states For Healing.
Tom Crockett, M.F.A., - Tracking the Spirit: Contemporary Shamanic Dreamwork

Betsy Davids, - Arts Workshop: Making a Book for a Dream.

Dr. John A. Davidson and Theresa A. Duke, - Waking states and Recurrent Dream Activity in Stress Conditions.

Daniel Deslauriers, Ph.D., Bette Kaiser, MA., MFT, - Nightmares and meditation practice: a heuristic study.

G. William Domhoff, Ph.D., - Advanced Methods for Scientific Studies of Long Dream Journals.

Rita Dwyer, (Chair) - Panel: Psi Dreams: Normalizing the "Paranormal" Through Practical Applications.
Includes: Marc Barasch, Boulder, CO: Transformative Dreams of Health and Healing; Rita Dwyer, Vienna, VA (Chair): Transition Dreams: Life and Death ;Dale Graff, M.S., Prince Frederick, MD: Precognition and Synchronicity:
Implications for Actionability of Psi Dreams and Remote Viewing; Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Arnold, MD: Miraculous Dreaming; Robert Van de Castle, Ph.D., Charlottesville, VA: Interpersonal Psi Dreaming--The Dream Helper Ceremony

Marie Elliot-Gartner, - Mythotheatrics: Dreaming as Images on Stage.

Francesca Ferrentelli, Martha Peacock,  Ph.D., -  Seeing is Believing: Phenomenological Dream Theater.

Patricia Garfield, Ph.D., - What the Universal Dream Themes and Motifs Mean to You.

Robert P. Gongloff, M.A,. - Dream Themes: A New Approach to Individual and Group Dream Work.

David Gordon, Ph.D., - Dreams of the Calling: Nightmares and Inspirational Dreams.

Gail A. Grynbaum, RN, Ph.D., - The Planetary Dream of Harry Potter.

Rosemary Ellen Guiley - "High Dreamwork for Spiritual Guidance."

Ernest Hartmann M.D., - The Nightmare: A part of normal healing, a symptom of another conditions, or a condition requiring treatment.

John W. Herbert, Ph.D., - Four Seemingly Unrelated Dreams Over 29 Month Period Constitute Series.

Dr. Curtiss Hoffman, - Dreaming Across The Mason-Dixon Line:  Discovering Direction In Dreams.

Dr. Brigitte Holzinger, Dale Graff,-  Psi Dreaming Between International Locations - Implications And Challenges.

Bob Hoss, MS., - "Working with your Dream Impasses."

David Kahn, Ph.D., - How Different Are Men and Women's Dreams?

E. W. Kellogg III, Ph.D., - Lucid Dreaming and the Phenomenological Epoché.

E. W. Kellogg III, Ph.D., -The Lucidity Continuum: Exploring the Worlds of Lucid Dreaming.

Dr. Patricia Kilroe, - Are we having pun yet? A re-view of tropes in dream.

Philip H. King, Ph.D., - Relationships between Dream Content and Dream Orientation."

Milton Kramer M.D., - From Dream to Dreamer and from Dreamer to Dream.

Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., - Exotic Dreams: A Cross-Cultural Study.

Justina Lasley, M.A., - Shining Light On Dreams: Methods and Techniques for Dream Work.

Ross Levin, Ph.D.  & Ernest Hartmann, M.D., - Personality and Psychopathological Correlates of Contextualized Images in Dreams.

Ross Levin, Ph.D., - Towards a Unified Theory of Idiopathic Nightmares: Implications from Recent Experimental Research.

Vera M. Lind, MA, M.Mus. PhD student, - Effects of Intention, Attention, and Expectation on Dreaming.

Tallulah R. Lyons, M.Ed., - The Role of Nightmares in Recovering from Cancer.

Linda Lane Magallón, MBA, - You Can Fly! Launching Dream Flight from a Factual Ground.

Brenda Mallon, - The Healing Dimension of Irish Celtic Dreamwork

Dawn Matheny, Ph.D. Candidate, - Dreaming: The Relationship to Self.

Shirley A. McNeal, Ph.D., - EMDR and Dream Interpretation.

Jacques Montangero, Ph.D., - Memory retrieval of a dream and a film.

William H. Moorcroft, Ph.D., - Accuracy of Dream Recall: I. Data from Real Dreams.

William  H. Moorcroft, Ph.D., - Accuracy of Dream Recall: II. Data from a "Synthetic Dream"

Karen Hagerman Muller, Ph.D., - Precognitive Dreams in Pregnancy: A Case Study.
[abstract includes Dreams Of Fertility, Dreams of Infertility

Zoe Newman, MFCC, - Lucid Waking: Bringing Dreamwork Approaches to Waking Life.

J.F. Pagel & Phyllis Myers, - The Effects Of Alterations In Waking On Reported Dream Recall - Daytime Sleepiness And Sleep Onset Rems Periods (Sorp's).

Wendy Pannier, - Appreciating Dreams: The Montague Ullman Group Approach.

Martha Peacock, Ph.D. (Panel Chair), - Archetypes, The Architecture of Our Dreams.

Gina Pearlin, CHT, - Dream Re-entry with a Map.

Cynthia Pearson (chair), - The Odyssey of Long Term Journal Keeping
[abstract includes the following presentations : Content Analysis as a Dream Journaling Ally (Kelly Bulkeley); A Layman Looks at Fuzzy Logic (Jean Campbell); The Computer as an Instrument of Discovery (Peggy Coats); Long-Term Journaling as an Individuation Process (Ed Kellogg); The Hauntings of Long Term Journal Keeping (Martha Peacock)]

Perkins, L & Taylor, J (Coordinators & Chair), - Starting a Professional Dream Work Practice
Leslie D. Perkins, MA: Dreamwork as Ministry, Barbara Leake, M.A.: Follow Your Bliss, Vera M. Lind, M.A.T.P., Ph.D., Kim Birdsong, MA: You Don't Have To Know It All, Kate Kelley, MS, MFT: The Zen of Dream Practice Building

Steven E. Pilgram, MA, - Dreamwork: An atheoretical format for introductory dream psychology classes.

Sara Ridberg, - The Harriet Project (General Event).

Michael Schredl, Ph.D., - Factors of Dream Recall.

 Charles Stewart, DPhil., - From Erotic Dream to Nightmare: Early Christian Evidence.

Bonnelle Lewis Strickling, MA, PhD, RCC., - Dreams and Our Relation to Reality.

Gloria Sturzenacker (chair), Cynthia Pearson,  - Tracking Coherence in Dreams and Life: A Journaling Roundtable.

Kathleen Sullivan, - The Logic of the Dream: Practical Personal Dreamwork Practices.

Reverend Jeremy Taylor, D.Min., S.Th.D., - "Yume-Do" (The Way Of Dreams) - Using Dreams And Lucidity To Find The Wisdom Beyond Words.

Reverend Jeremy Taylor, D.Min., S.Th.D., - "...If It Were My Dream..." - An Introduction To Leaderless Projective Group Exploration Of Dreams.

Reverend Jeremy Taylor, D.Min., S.Th.D., - Doing Dream Work As A Pastoral Councellor/Chaplain, With Special Reference To The Spiritual Significance Of Nightmares: A Practical, Hands-On, Interfaith Perspective.

Katja Valli- The Threat Simulation Theory of Dreaming: Empirical Explorations.

Maria Volchenko, Ph.D., - Russian Pagan Calendar for Precognitive Dreaming

Maria Volchenko, Ph.D., - Bridge Between Dreaming and Waking Realities.

Robert Waggoner(Chair), - Panel: "Lessons in Lucidity: Explorations in Lucid Dreaming"
With Craig Sym Webb and Beverly D'Urso

Robert Waggoner(Chair), -"Lucid Dreaming, the Deceased and the Afterdeath Experience"

Craig Sym Webb, - "The Benefits of Dreams and Dreamwork for both the Dying and the Living around the time of Death."

Lee Weiser Ph.D., - Alchemical Symbolism in Dreams: A Clinical Approach.

Bernard Welt, - Nightmare Fun: Dr. Seuss' The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T.

Dr. Gregory White, - Problem-Solving using Dream Incubation: Dreaming or Cognitive Effort?

Jane White-Lewis, Ph.D., - In Defense of "Little" Dreams.

Ann Sayre Wiseman MA., - Dream Mapping and AUTO DRAMA : A METHOD for confronting NIGHTMARES , And Healing Recurring Dreams.

Marco Zanasi, MD and  Claudia Di Pasquale, MD, - The compensatory function of dreams: confirmation from the computer

All Presentations are required to follow ASD Ethical Guidelines

* Not all abstracts for the presentations are available
See the 2001 Schedule for times and rooms


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